ENS Labs roadmap
In progress
You'll see these soon because we're working on them.
ENSv2: The Next Generation of ENS
Our vision for the next iteration of the ENS protocol, on L2
Development Pipeline Improvements

Changes to the testing pipeline that allow feature releases to be expedited.

Multi-Delegate Manager

Dapp designed to enable frictionless delegation across multiple ENS delegates.

L2 Research

Focussing on productionalizing the EVM Gateway, finalizing the spec for L2 reverse resolution, and much more.


1.0 release, an open-sourced Figma and component library of the ENS design system.

Up next
We're going to discuss these next. This list is in no particular order.
With Ethereum (SIWE)

Integration of the SIWE standard into the ENS manager.


Re-introduction of an improved "favourites" feature within the ENS manager.

Dark Mode

Dark mode for the ENS manager.

Eth.link Site Refresh

Refreshing the Eth.link site with Thorin styles.

Recently completed
What we've done that is now live.
Gasless DNS Names
Launched Jaunary 2024

A gas-free method for using DNS names in ENS, utilising CCIP-Read.

ENSjs Refactor
Launched December 2023

A new slimmed down re-write of the JavaScript ENS library.

EVM Gateway
Launched November 2023

A generic CCIP-Read gateway for fetching state proofs of data on other EVM chains.

See more